- 7 respondents liked mead
- 2 didn't know because they had never tried it
- Nobody said they disliked mead!
Admittedly only nine people took part in the survey and I suspect there was some self-selection which introduced bias, but nevertheless I was surprised by the results which have me wondering why this drink isn't more widely available.
Not that I need to worry - I've just racked my 2012 vintage and took the opportunity to have a little taste... the flavour is good but not as sweet as the 2011 batch. I'll leave the must in a cooler spot to finish fermenting and when the liquor becomes crystal clear I'll rack it into bottles. That's the easy bit.
The hard bit is I should wait at least a year before drinking it. What do you think the chances are I'll have opened a bottle by next Christmas?
Use the comment facility below to let me know.
Can't see you waiting until Christmas!